A Life of Purpose
There surely can’t be many things more depressing than feeling that your life is worthless. I think there are many people who have never found their way. They are like a ship tossed about on the ocean waves just getting by from day to day without any real drive or direction. It has led to so much depression and heartache. What is the problem and what can do about it?
A few weeks ago, I stepped onto my deck to start the grill. The deck has been there for a few years. I had built it with treated wood. I had water-proofed it. I had maintained it as best as I could and as well as I could determine. It looked like a really solid deck. However, as I walked toward the grill, my next step went right through the deck to the ground below! I’m sure you gasped and wondered if I was ok. I was fine. The ground below is only about 12 inches below.
Is Our Good, Good Enough?
We raise our children with the constant admonition that we want them to be good. I often talk to the little ones and ask them, “Have you been good today?” Being good is a worthy goal. Not everyone is successful in that pursuit. There are many people who just are not good.
Why Am I Here?
This title reflects a common thought with a lot of people. So many are depressed even to the point of suicide. The suicide rate in the US has risen steadily over the past 18 years reaching its highest point since 1941. The rate of suicide per 100,000 people in 2022 was 14.3 and 2.6% higher than in 2021.
Am I Pursuing God?
What do you think of when you hear the word—pursue? You probably think about someone running real fast chasing another person. Maybe you think about a predator animal chasing its prey. You might even think about a football game with defensive back trying to chase down a runner before he scores a touchdown. The obvious common denominator is someone or something running real fast.
The School of God
Going to school is just what people do from about the time that they are 5 years old or so. Some are now going to preschool, but for most, kindergarten is the beginning of several years of formal schooling. Some people get that schooling in a public school or a private school while others are homeschooled. Technical College, academic College and graduate school await many after those first 12 years.
Kindness is “In Kind”
“Be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another…” (Ephesians 4:32) One of the great losses in the world is simple human kindness. It seems that people are so selfish and materialistic today that taking time to be kind is passé. So many people are so focused on getting what they feel is due them that they do not take the time to be kind. It is much easier to react in whatever way they feel in the moment.
Gracious or Grumbling?
“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers…” (Ephesians 4:29). Most often, this verse has been used to forbid cursing and swearing. This kind of language certainly fits the meaning of these words. But, is that all that it means? Are there other corrupt words that we should avoid?
Proper Birth Leads to a Birthright
“He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:10-13).
Strengthened with Might
How strong do you want to be? Some men have a desire to be able to bench press their body weight. Maybe you just want to be able to lift boxes and move things. Others train to have a heart that is strong enough to run a marathon. My main goal is to be strong enough for as long as possible to walk and play golf and play some basketball.
Man Plans, God Laughs
Many of you have heard the statement used as the title for this article and, if your life is anything like mine, you know how true this statement is. The google machine suggests that this statement originates from a Yiddish proverb “Der mentsh trakht un got lakht” which is roughly translated into English as “Man plans, God laughs.” This thought is similar to the quote by the boxer Mike Tyson, who is better known for his ear biting than his philosophical statements: “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” I believe these principles are close to one found in Proverbs 19:21, which reads, “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” In the end, God’s plan always prevails.
Could I Be Convicted of Being a Christian?
A few months ago, I saw Harold Rowlett at the Gibson household (who, by the way, I am very thankful for since they have been so gracious to put up the family minister in their basement for the past 12 months). Harold said “Dave, I got a sermon topic for you. How about ‘If I were arrested for being a Christian, would I be convicted?’” I said that was a great idea, and for the past few weeks, I’ve passed a bulletin board in the building that reminded me of that conversation, so this Sunday morning, that will be our sermon topic. Let’s start with a refresher on how people are convicted in the United States. According to uscourts.gov (the website for the federal courts in the United States), to be convicted of a crime, an individual has to:
Its Personal! Sing!
One of the privileges and responsibilities of each Christian is the opportunity to worship the Creator of the universe. Worship is a personal action. Sure, worship in an assembly of people is a group activity. But, each person in the group is responsible for his or her own actions in the worship experience. It is important, therefore, for each of us to grasp fully this personal aspect of worship.
I Am Jealous
Jealousy is an intense emotional reaction. It is not passive. No one experiencing it can remain in neutral. At its worst, it finds itself placed in the list of the works of the flesh recorded in Galatians 5:20. And yet, at its best, it finds itself being identified as a trait of God! How can this be without accusing the Bible of hypocrisy?
The Instruction of Your Father
We have been told for many years of the extremely high volume of phone calls to mothers on Mothers’ Day. Maybe you have wondered how that number compares to calls to fathers on Fathers’ Day. Here are some interesting statistics from a time when landlines were much more commonplace.
The Great Showman Showed Love
Love is not a feeling that you feel when you feel a feeling that you never felt before. Try saying that fast 3 times. That can’t be the definition because what you thought was a feeling of love might just be a feeling of an upset stomach. There is no greater place to look than in the life of Jesus to define true love. Jesus gave us these words that set the foundation for finding a definition of love. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35). If we see what He did, we will learn what love is.
Influencers Say, “Look at Me!”
Many little children (and big ones too!) really want attention. They do all kinds of things to try to get a special someone to notice them. Sometimes, they even misbehave in order to get what they want. Even if they are disciplined, they have received what they wanted in the first place—attention.
The Joy of Making Memories
It is so much fun talking with people about favorite memories. I was thinking about memories from our time in Richmond and came across an article written 15 years ago. I began immediately reliving these memories and thinking of new ones. Walk with me for a few minutes down memory lane.
With the LORD as He has been with Us
The children had been led out of Egyptian bondage. Three months later, they came to the new promised land and the LORD said to go up and take it for He had delivered it into their hands (Numbers 13). They, however, did not believe that they had to ability to take the land even though the LORD had already given it to them. So, they refused to go in (Numbers 14).
The Law of Your Mother
What is “the law of your mother”? That is the phrase Solomon uses in Proverbs 1:8. As he begins his foray into wisdom and wise sayings, Solomon first reminds his son about his responsibility not to forsake the law of his mother. He does not go on to say specifically what this phrase means, but we can surmise what his intentions were.