Foundations are Important
May 30, 2005 was the beginning of a number of bulletins that included weekly updated pictures of the construction of the new building for the Richmond church of Christ. The weekly bulletin article used those pictures to make various points comparing the construction of the building to the construction of our own spiritual lives.The first article began with these words.
“The picture on the front depicts the foundational stages of our new building. Footers have been poured. Plumbing and electricity are being roughed in. Soon, the concrete slab will be poured. Previously, the sight was made ready for the building by blasting, moving dirt, and leveling the building sight. These foundational things are necessary to the future soundness of the structure that will be built on the sight.”
As we begin this new year, our theme is Climb the Mountain. We are beginning with thoughts about the necessity of having a good foundation and staying grounded while we are climbing.
We all remember how slow the initial stages seemed as we waited for our new building. Sight preparation and foundational building take a while if they are done well. Luke 2:52 records concerning Jesus,“He increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Jesus prepared for His mission building His foundation for 30 years. It takes years of continual building to maintain a strong spiritual foundation.
It is important that the foundational work be done well. Jesus told the parable of the two men who each built a house upon a foundation (Matthew 7:24-27). One built his house on sand. The other built his house on a rock. Both faced the ravages of wind and water. While the house on the rock stood firm, the house on the sand fell. The house on the rock did not fall, as Jesus said, “for it was founded on the rock” (verse 25).
Foundation building in our lives is very important. “…no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 3:11). Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20; I Peter 2:6) of His Church. This “…solid foundation of God stands…” (II Timothy 2:19). Jesus built His Church just as He promised (Matthew 16:18) and the gates of Hades or death did not prevent it from happening.
Paul gave instructions about foundation-building in I Corinthians 3:1-17. Paul said that he “laid the foundation, and another builds on it” (verse 10). He, then, said, “But let each one take heed how he builds on it” (verse 10).
As that new building was under construction, we were anxious to be in it. I closed that first bulletin article with these words that also reflect how we should feel about the spiritual building we are constructing as we wait for the finished product in heaven.
“We say the same thing to those constructing our new facility. Take heed how you build. The foundation you construct will be directly related to the facility we eventually have. So, go ahead and take your time. Do a good job. Make it strong and durable. But, may we also say, we sure are anxious to be in that new facility, aren’t we?”
— Mike Johnson