Youth Education
Youth Education provides sound Biblical teaching to all ages from cradle roll through high school. The Youth Education Ministry is among the most important activities of the church because it affects the spiritual strength of the congregation. Students in the 6th grade become part of our Youth Group! We are excited to offer many opportunities for children/youth. Our modern facility include class rooms made for children, staffed nursery, nursing mother’s room, and a worship training room.
Explorers (K-5th)
New to Richmond is the newly renovated K-5th grade Explorer’s Classrooms. Explorers is a rotational-based Bible class program that uses various learning styles and hands-on activities to present Bible stories. Children rotate to a different themed room each class period. These rooms share the Bible story creatively and reinforce the lessons with a variety of methods:
Holy Word Studios allows children to dress up to retell and re-enact Bible stories in plays in readers theater.
The Ark-ives Room focuses on maps, timelines and the culture surrounding God’s people in Biblical times.
Creations Café is a room dedicated to creating crafts, cooking or participating in an experiment to reinforce the lesson taught.
Esau’s Game and Adventures Room allows children to review Bible lessons through music and games.
Adopt-a-Student (K-12th)
This ministry builds closer relationships between families and generations while providing spiritual growth for our students. During the school year, many of our children and teens are under the care and influence of others for seven plus hours. We can each help our youth by getting to know them better and connecting them to church families.