The Greek word for “rejoicing” is used in the New Testament 72 times. This word is variously translated by the words: rejoicing, joy, Hail, glad, greeting, and even farewell. It is a word that induces an intense emotional response from those who hear or see the word. Either they are so joyful that they respond to the word in a positive way or they are so down and discouraged (but want to be joyful) that they respond in a negative way.
Joy is a word of depth. It speaks about the inner person and what is going on inside the heart and mind. Joy is the ability to remain upbeat and positive under the extreme weight of pain and discouragement and trouble. Acts 5:41 says that the apostles rejoiced even under severe persecution.
Joy is a word of width. It remains with an individual no matter how wide are the temptations of life. Every day is a battle as we face temptations from sources far and wide. James admonishes, “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials…” (James 1:2).
Joy is a word of height. It lifts the soul from the pits into which the world controlled by the devil and his forces attempts every day to shove all of us. Joy makes the heart soar above the troubles of the world. Philippians 4:4 reminds us that we can, “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say, Rejoice!”
Joy is a word of length. It stays with the Christian for as long as there is breath in his life. It does not grow old and wear out. It will never be replaced by something better. Jesus told His disciples that the joy He provided them has no expiration date. “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15:11).
Joy certainly is the vehicle that allows us to endure to the end without becoming cynical or discouraged. Joy helps us defeat life instead of allowing life to defeat us. We need to be joyful people because of its value for our lives.
-Mike Johnson