The Joy of Making Memories

It is so much fun talking with people about favorite memories.  I was thinking about memories from our time in Richmond and came across an article written 15 years ago.  I began immediately reliving these memories and thinking of new ones.  Walk with me for a few minutes down memory lane.

Do you remember the Sunday that Chris Hymore passed out and fell while we were standing and singing the invitation song?  His mother Carol yelled out, “Call 911!”  Isn’t it interesting that this happened during what might be called a spiritual 911 time!

Do you remember Joanne Grimes and the incident with the lamb?  We were having a VBS themed with what life was like in the first century.  One of the nights was an experience eating the Passover meal.  She prepared the lamb in her kitchen—cutting the head off with a chain saw!

Do you remember the story following that one when the Johnsons and the Williams babysat that lamb cooking in the back lot of the old church building?  It involved Big Al and me almost attacking Randy Brockwell who scared us to death!

Do you, who went on the youth trips to Dexter, MO, remember all the food at Lambert’s Restaurant?  Do you, who went to Lads to Leaders in Nashville remember Carol Hymore making you crawl on the floor of the hotel practicing how to get out during a fire?

I have other personal memories.  I remember Gary Hinton pointing a finger at me during a Wednesday night Bible class on my first visit with the congregation and asking, “What do you think about it?”  I remember how Daniel Weakley and Stuart Gibson tortured me at Rolling Hills Camp locking me out of my room with duct tape.  Furthermore, Alex Grimes and others stole all of my stuff and staged the roof of a cabin as though it was my room for the week.

Maybe you were here for the dedication day of the current structure in 2006.  Maybe you were able to attend the funeral service for Little Ed as his ashes were scattered on the property from a confederate cannon.  Maybe you were hugged or kissed by Willie Franklin that weekend.  Maybe you remember, though not as well as I do, the dunking booth during a community event on our property (I was in the booth!).

Here is one more memory that has had great effect on our community.  In the late 90s, David McFaddin and Melissa Dye came to EKU.  They were our adopted college students and he is now the President!  We were not that great as adoptive parents, but I want to claim the connection.

Wasn’t this a fun trip?  We could do even more.  Here is something now to consider.  God wants us to have an enjoyable walk down memory lane with Him.  That is why He said to His people, “I AM WHO I AM…This is My name forever and this is My memorial to all generations.” (Exodus 3:14-15).  What memories are you making with God?  If you want to know about any of the above memories, let's talk!

— Mike Johnson


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With the LORD as He has been with Us